Lord Krishna Already Told 5 Truth About Kalyuga

Lord Krishna Already Told 5 Truth About Kalyuga Lord Krishna an avatar of Lord Vishnu, made several prophecies or statements about Kali Yuga, the current age we are in. Kali Yuga is considered the age of darkness, where morality and righteousness decline. Here are a few key things Lord Krishna is believed to have said … Read more

4 Yugas of Hinduism – Satya, Treta, Dvapara & Kali Yuga-Cosmic Ages of Human Life

4 Yugas of Hinduism – Satya, Treta, Dvapara & Kali Yuga-Cosmic Ages of Human Life In Hinduism, there are four Yugas, also known as cosmic ages or epochs. These Yugas follow a cycle and are believed to represent different stages of human civilization and spiritual development. The four Yugas Of Hinduism are: 1. Satya Yuga … Read more