Lord Krishna Already Told 5 Truth About Kalyuga

Lord Krishna Already Told 5 Truth About Kalyuga

Lord Krishna Already Told 5 Truth About Kalyuga

Lord Krishna an avatar of Lord Vishnu, made several prophecies or statements about Kali Yuga, the current age we are in.

Kali Yuga is considered the age of darkness, where morality and righteousness decline. Here are a few key things Lord Krishna is believed to have said about Kali Yuga:


1. Decline in Morality: Lord Krishna is said to have foretold that in Kali Yuga, people would become increasingly immoral and dishonest. There would be a lack of virtue and a rise in deception.

2. Spiritual Decline: Lord Krishna predicted that spirituality and devotion to God would also decline in Kali Yuga. People would become more materialistic and less inclined toward spiritual practices.


3. Increase in Conflicts: Lord Krishna mentioned that there would be a rise in conflicts and wars in Kali Yuga, leading to widespread suffering.

4. Decreased Lifespan: Lord Krishna is believed to have mentioned that human lifespans would become shorter in Kali Yuga compared to earlier ages.


5. Deterioration of Dharma: Lord Krishna emphasized the deterioration of dharma (righteousness) in Kali Yuga, with people following adharma (unrighteousness) more frequently.

Despite these predictions, it’s important to note that Hinduism also teaches that even in Kali Yuga, there are opportunities for spiritual growth and enlightenment through sincere devotion and righteous actions.

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