Narasimha Avatar A Timeless Tale of Devotion and Victory

Narasimha Avatar A Timeless Tale of Devotion and Victory The story of Narasimha Avatar is one of the most famous and significant episodes in Hindu mythology. It is associated with the fourth avatar of Lord Vishnu, where he appeared in the form of a half-man, half-lion. Hiranyakashipu and his Son Prahlad: In ancient times, there … Read more


LORD VISHNU 4 AVATARS IN SATYUG Let’s delve into more detailed descriptions of Lord Vishnu 4 Avatars in Satyug: Matsya Avatar (The Fish) of Lord Vishnu Matsya avatar is the first incarnation of Lord Vishnu. According to Hindu mythology when this universe first began lord Brahma received the Vedas from the Supreme Lord Vishnu, he … Read more