Most Famous Tirumala Temple Of Lord Vishnu And Its 15 Secrets

Most Famous Tirumala Temple Of Lord Vishnu And Its 15 Secrets

The story of the Tirumala Temple, dedicated to Lord Vishnu (Venkateswara) is deeply rooted in Hindu mythology and has been passed down through generations. Here is a tale :

Most Famous Tirumala Temple Of Lord Vishnu And Its 15 Secrets

Long ago, in the celestial realms, there lived a divine sage named Bhrigu. He wanted to find out who among the Holy Trinity – Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (the Preserver), and Shiva (the Destroyer) – was the most supreme. To test the gods, Bhrigu first visited Brahma, who was preoccupied and did not notice the sage. Feeling slighted, Bhrigu cursed Brahma.

Next, Bhrigu went to Lord Shiva’s abode. Shiva, deep in meditation with his wife Parvati, also did not acknowledge Bhrigu’s presence. Enraged, Bhrigu cursed Shiva as well.

Finally, Bhrigu visited Lord Vishnu, who was resting with his wife, Goddess Lakshmi, on the serpent god Adishesha. Despite being ignored, Bhrigu decided to test Vishnu differently. He went ahead and kicked Vishnu on his chest, the place where the goddess Lakshmi resides. To everyone’s surprise, Lord Vishnu not only remained calm but also apologized to Bhrigu for not being able to receive him properly. Bhrigu was astonished by Vishnu’s humility and realized his greatness.

Goddess Lakshmi, however, was hurt and upset by Bhrigu’s actions. She left Vaikuntha, the heavenly abode of Lord Vishnu, and came to Earth. Lord Vishnu, concerned about her absence, decided to find her. He incarnated as Srinivasa, a prince, and met Padmavati, a princess of the Yadava dynasty. They fell in love and decided to get married.

Meanwhile, Sage Narada revealed the true identity of Srinivasa to Goddess Lakshmi, who was pleased to know that Srinivasa was indeed Lord Vishnu. With Narada’s guidance, Lakshmi reconciled with Vishnu, and they got married in a grand ceremony.

The couple, as Srinivasa and Padmavati, decided to stay on Earth for some time. Srinivasa, disguised as a forest-dwelling ascetic, encountered a cowherd woman named Vakula Devi. Recognizing him as Lord Vishnu, she persuaded him to reveal his true identity to the world.

Vakula Devi’s efforts led to the revelation of Srinivasa’s true form as Lord Vishnu at Tirumala, on the Venkatachalam hill. Devotees flocked to the site, and a grand temple was built to honor Lord Venkateswara. It is believed that Lord Vishnu chose Tirumala as his divine abode, where he grants darshan (divine presence) to his devotees in the form of the sacred deity Balaji or Venkateswara.

This tale symbolizes the humility and grace of Lord Vishnu and the unwavering devotion of his devotees, making the Tirumala Temple one of the holiest and most revered pilgrimage sites in India.

Most Famous Tirumala Temple Of Lord Vishnu And Its 15 Secrets

Secret of Tirumala Temple of Lord Vishnu

The Tirumala Temple, dedicated to Lord Venkateswara, holds various mysteries and intriguing aspects that have fascinated devotees, scholars, and historians for centuries. Here are some detailed points about the mysteries surrounding this temple:

1. Self-Manifested Deity:

The origin of the main deity, Lord Venkateswara, is considered self-manifested. According to Hindu belief, Lord Vishnu incarnated as Venkateswara and resided on the Venkatachalam hill in Tirumala. The deity is believed to have emerged naturally from the rock formation, making it a self-manifested idol, which adds to the temple’s mystique.

2. Continuous Offerings (Nitya Arjitha Seva):

The temple follows a unique tradition called “Nitya Arjitha Seva,” where various offerings are made to the deity every day. The offerings range from food to jewelry and are believed to be presented to the deity without any break for centuries. The unbroken continuity of these rituals is a remarkable aspect of the temple.

Most Famous Tirumala Temple Of Lord Vishnu And Its 15 Secrets

3. Akasa Ganga:

The temple is surrounded by several natural waterfalls, and one of them is known as “Akasa Ganga.” Devotees believe that this water possesses divine properties and is used in the temple’s rituals. The source of Akasa Ganga remains a mystery, adding an element of intrigue to the temple complex.

4. Hidden and Enigmatic Chambers:

Legends speak of hidden chambers or vaults beneath the temple that are believed to contain immense wealth, including gold, jewels, and artifacts. While some chambers have been opened, others remain sealed, leading to speculation about the vast treasures that might be hidden within.

5. Hair Offerings:

Devotees offer their hair as a mark of sacrifice and devotion to the deity. The tonsuring ceremony, known as “Mundan,” is a common practice. The collected hair is sold, and the funds generated are used for various charitable activities. The volume of hair collected annually is staggering, adding to the mystique of the temple.

Most Famous Tirumala Temple Of Lord Vishnu And Its 15 Secrets

6. 7 Hills and Sapta Rishi Tirthas:

Tirumala is situated on seven hills, each considered sacred. Additionally, there are seven holy teerthas (water bodies) associated with the Sapta Rishis (seven sages) in the area. The significance of these hills and teerthas in Hindu mythology adds depth to the mystical aura of the temple.

7. Divine Presences and Miracles:

Devotees often report experiencing a divine presence and feeling an inexplicable sense of peace and serenity while visiting the temple. Many people claim to have witnessed miracles, adding to the temple’s aura of mystery and spirituality.

Most Famous Tirumala Temple Of Lord Vishnu And Its 15 Secrets

8. Eternal Lamp (Akshaya Deepam):

There is a lamp in the sanctum sanctorum of the temple called the Akshaya Deepam, which is believed to have been burning continuously for several centuries. The lamp is fueled by ghee and is said to have been lit by Lord Brahma himself. The eternal flame symbolizes the eternal presence of the divine.

Most Famous Tirumala Temple Of Lord Vishnu And Its 15 Secrets

9. Lord Balaji’s Eyes:

The idol of Lord Venkateswara is adorned with valuable jewelry and a unique crown. Interestingly, the idol’s eyes are said to be so mesmerizing that devotees often find themselves lost in them. The eyes are so intricately carved that they appear to follow devotees as they move around the sanctum.

10. Hair Regrowth in Tirumala:

One of the peculiar phenomena reported by many devotees is the sudden regrowth of hair after shaving their heads during the tonsuring ceremony. Several pilgrims claim that their hair grows back faster and thicker after visiting Tirumala, leading to the belief in the temple’s divine energy.

11. Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple Connection:

There is a belief among some scholars and historians that the wealth hidden in the vaults of the Tirumala Temple is connected to the mysterious treasures discovered in the Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Kerala. The connection between these two ancient temples and their hidden wealth remains a topic of intrigue.

12. Natural Rock Formations:

The surrounding landscape of Tirumala is dotted with unique natural rock formations that bear resemblance to various deities and animals. These formations are often considered sacred, and devotees believe that they have divine significance, adding to the mystical atmosphere of the region.

13. Magnetic Properties of Hills:

It is said that the hills of Tirumala possess magnetic properties. Some researchers claim that these hills have a higher-than-normal level of natural radioactivity. Devotees believe that these magnetic properties enhance the spiritual energy of the area, making it a powerful pilgrimage site.

14. Divine Echo (Sankalpam):

Devotees often mention experiencing a mysterious echo in the temple premises. When they make a prayer or chant a mantra, they hear a faint but distinct echo, reinforcing their belief in the divine presence of Lord Venkateswara.

15. Mystical Water Sources:

Tirumala is believed to have several natural water sources with unique properties. The water from these sources is considered holy and is used in the temple rituals. Devotees believe that bathing in or consuming this water can cleanse them spiritually.

These mystifying elements and spiritual phenomena surrounding the Tirumala Temple continue to captivate the imagination of people, making it a center of faith, devotion, and wonder.

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