What Really Happened After the Epic Mahabharata War?

What Really Happened After the Epic Mahabharata War?

After the Mahabharata war, several significant events took place in the Indian epic narrative. Here are some key developments that occurred after the Mahabharata:

Ashwamedha Yagna:


Yudhishthira, the eldest Pandava, performed the Ashwamedha Yagna (horse sacrifice) to establish his rule over the Kuru kingdom and to atone for the sins committed during the war. This ceremony was a symbol of his authority and piety.

What Really Happened After the Epic Mahabharata War

Retirement of Pandavas:

After the sacrifice, They entrusted the kingdom to their grandson, Parikshit. After retiring from ruling the kingdom, the Pandava brothers, except for Yudhishthira, embarked on a pilgrimage to various sacred places. They eventually renounced their kingdom and the material world to seek spiritual liberation.

What Really Happened After the Epic Mahabharata War

End of Yadava Dynasty:

Lord Krishna returned to his capital, Dwarka, after the war. Dwarka faced a catastrophic event where the Yadava dynasty, including Lord Krishna, perished due to internal conflicts and curses.

Death of Pandavas:

Eventually, the Pandava brothers, except for Yudhishthira, retired to the Himalayas one by one, and they achieved liberation (moksha) through meditation and penance.

Parikshit’s Rule and Cursing of Takshashila:

Parikshit, the grandson of the Pandavas, ruled the Kuru kingdom. His reign is significant as he played a role in the preservation of the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita by inviting the sage Shuka to narrate it to him. During his reign, he encountered a Brahmana’s curse and died as a result. His son, Janamejaya, succeeded him.

The Sarpa Yagna (Snake Sacrifice):

Janamejaya, seeking revenge for his father’s death, conducted a massive Sarpa Yagna (snake sacrifice) to eliminate all snakes. This event is narrated in the “Adi Parva” of the Mahabharata and is also a story within the larger epic.

Tales of Krishna:

While the Mahabharata provides an account of Krishna’s life up to the end of the Kurukshetra War, his post-Mahabharata life is the subject of other texts and stories. These include his disappearance from Dwarka, his interactions with various devotees and scholars, and his role as a spiritual guide.

What Really Happened After the Epic Mahabharata War

Gandhari Cursed Krishna

After the Kurukshetra War, Gandhari, the mother of the Kauravas, is said to have cursed Lord Krishna.. She blamed Lord Krishna for not preventing the war and for not using his divine powers to avoid the massive loss of life.Gandhari decided to confront Lord Krishna, who had played a significant role in the events leading up to the war. When Krishna came to visit Gandhari in her grief, she expressed her anger and sorrow. In her rage and sorrow, Gandhari cursed Lord Krishna.

According to the curse, she prophesied that, just as her sons and the Kuru dynasty had perished due to infighting and violence, Krishna’s own family would be destroyed in a similar manner. She predicted that in 36 years, a great calamity would befall Krishna’s Yadava clan, leading to their destruction. Gandhari’s curse, as foretold, eventually came to pass. The Yadava clan, to which Lord Krishna belonged, faced a series of events and conflicts that led to their downfall, including a drunken brawl among themselves, which resulted in their mutual destruction.

Death of Lord Krishna:

Lord Krishna, after his departure from Dwarka, is said to have been mortally wounded by an arrow from a hunter named Jara.Lord Krishna is said to have ascended to his divine abode, marking the end of his earthly incarnation. Krishna’s departure marks the end of the Dvapara Yuga and the beginning of the Kali Yuga, the present age in Hindu cosmology.

Life of Vyasa:

Sage Vyasa, who is credited with composing the Mahabharata, is said to have continued his work on various Puranas and scriptures after the epic’s completion. His teachings and contributions to literature and philosophy are a significant part of post-Mahabharata stories.

Yudhishthira’s Ascent to Heaven:

Yudhishthira, known for his piety and righteousness, is said to have ascended to heaven in his mortal body. This event is described in the “Swargarohanika Parva” of the Mahabharata.


Kalyug Events:

The Kalyug is characterized by a decline in righteousness and an increase in moral and ethical degradation. Various Puranas and texts mention events and stories related to the Kali Yuga, including the prophecies and challenges associated with this age.

It’s important to note that the Mahabharata is a vast and intricate epic, and interpretations and retellings of its events and characters may vary in different versions and regional adaptations of the story.

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